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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Best Six Hockey Movies of All Time Based on 130 Sources

Scene from Miracle (2004)
Welcome to our Reel Fives pre-launch movie rankings for best hockey movies of all. The rankings for hockey movies are based on our pre-launch rankings for its parent genre, best sports movies of all-time, which captures sports movies more broadly. The movie rankings on top hockey aggregate the information from 130 movie ranking sources we found for sports movies. The top sports movies included six hockey movie; these six hockey films are ranked below.  As with the broader sports genre, these hockey movie rankings are based on rankings created by movie experts as well as rankings from polling sites that were found online.

Hockey captures the heart of those who love winter team sports. Slap Shot (1974) and Miracle (2004), ranked first and second, both focus on underdog teams. In Slap Shot (1974), Reggie ‘Reg’ Dunlop attempts to find a way to make his team win. The movie ranked eleventh in the best sports movies of all-time list, the highest spot for a hockey movie. Miracle (2004) is the story of the 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team. The film brings the tensions of the Cold War onto the ice, but instead of focusing on the politics, the film focuses on the development of a team that would eventually play the Soviet Union team in an intense finals game. The Mighty Ducks (1992) and The Mighty Ducks 2 (1994), ranked third and fourth, captures the young hearts of hockey players. Hockey is fun and exciting and that is what these movies show. While Miracle (2004) provided a more serious tone for hockey films, The Mighty Ducks (1992) provided comedic relief. Hockey does not have many films to showcase and that may due to that hockey is not as popular as football or baseball—at least in the United States.

Top 6  Hockey Movies
(percent of online top fives movies made)
1 . Slap Shot (1977): 11.6%
2 . Miracle  (2004): 10.8%
3 . The Mighty Ducks (1992): 2.32%
4 (tied). Chakde! India (2007): .775%
4 (tied). Mighty Ducks 2 (1994): .775%
6 . Mystery, Alaska (1999): .775%

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